ohio removal of township trustee

The board of township trustees shall not cause the township fiscal officer, or the joint police district board shall not cause the joint police district treasurer, to send a bill pursuant to this division if a bill has already been sent pursuant to division (B) of this section for the same false alarm. The township trustees may include in the township police district and under the direction and control of the chief of police any constable appointed pursuant to section 509.01 of the Revised Code, or may designate the chief of police or any patrol officer appointed by the chief of police as a constable, as provided for in section 509.01 of the Revised Code, for the township police district. Before entering upon the duties of office, the clerk shall execute a bond, in the amount and with surety to be approved by the board, payable to the state, conditioned for the faithful performance of all of the clerk's official duties. The credit shall apply only to real property taxes charged against the lot or parcel, and not to special assessments, personal property taxes, or real property taxes charged against a different lot or parcel. Written By Steve Sievers. . The list shall be posted continually in a conspicuous location in the board's office, and, if the township maintains a web site on the internet, the list shall be posted continually at that web site. Two sentences in the Ohio Revised Code forever changed what Feb. 1 means to Ohios township officials. If that claimant establishes to the satisfaction of the court that the claimant is the rightful owner, the money or property shall be restored to the claimant; otherwise, it shall be returned to the accused person, personally, and not to any attorney, agent, factor, or clerk of the accused person, except upon special order of the head of the organized police department of the township, township police district, joint police district, or office of a township constable, as the case may be, after all liens and claims in favor of the township have first been discharged and satisfied. A board of township trustees may agree to appropriate township general revenue fund moneys to, and may agree to grant or lend moneys from the township general revenue fund to, any political subdivision with authority to provide water, sanitary sewerage, or storm water drainage within the township, for the purpose of providing moneys to the political subdivision to pay for the planning of or actual costs, fees, debt retirement, or any other expense, including, but not limited to, administrative and professional fees, incurred in supplying one or more of these purposes within the township, or the planning of or actual construction, maintenance, repair, or operation of water, sanitary sewerage, or storm water drainage within the township. The resolution shall state the specific time period for which the emergency powers are in effect. (B)(1) Regulations or amendments to regulations may be adopted under this section only after a public hearings at not fewer than two regular or special sessions of the board of township trustees and upon an affirmative vote of all members of the board. December 30, 2022. Each resolution of the board adopted under division (B)(2) of this section shall state the name of the township police district, a description of the territory to be added, the rate, expressed in mills for each one dollar of taxable value, the estimated effective rate, expressed in dollars for each one hundred thousand dollars of the county auditor's appraised value, and termination date of the tax, which shall be the rate, estimated effective rate, and termination date of the tax currently in effect in the district. The time, date, and place of bid openings may be extended to a later date by the board of trustees of the district, provided that written or oral notice of the change shall be given to all persons who have received or requested specifications no later than ninety-six hours prior to the original time and date fixed for the opening. (A) If, after the fire department of a township, township fire district, or joint fire district, or a private fire company with which the fire department of a township, township fire district, or joint fire district contracts for fire protection, responds to a false alarm from an automatic fire alarm system at a commercial establishment or residential building, the board of township trustees gives written notice by certified mail that it may assess a charge of up to three hundred dollars for each subsequent false alarm occurring after three false alarms by that system within the same calendar year, the board of township trustees may assess that charge. Every other year, half of the township officials are up for election. Those services include road maintenance and repair; police and fire protection; emergency response; solid waste disposal; maintaining parks and cemeteries; zoning; and more. The trustees shall certify such resolution to the board of elections not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of the election. The tax shall be levied upon all of the taxable property in the township and shall be certified, levied, and collected in the manner prescribed for other township taxes. The filing fee for candidates is $30. If the amount of the credit exceeds the amount of taxes charged at that time, the excess amount shall be carried forward to future tax years until the entire amount of the credit is used. If the address of a party in interest is unknown and cannot reasonably be obtained, it is sufficient to publish the notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the township. The motor vehicle owner shall remove the decal to withdraw from the program and also prior to the sale or transfer of ownership of the vehicle. The building department may enforce state residential and nonresidential building codes the board of building standards establishes pursuant to Chapter 3781. of the Revised Code if the department is certified pursuant to section 3781.10 of the Revised Code to enforce those codes. A board of township trustees may authorize its elected officers to join an association or nonprofit organization formed for the improvement of township government. (2) In a township that has not adopted a limited home rule government under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code, the fiscal officer monthly shall present to the board credit card account transaction detail from the previous month. (D) (1) Except as otherwise provided in division (C) of this section, any regulation or order adopted under division (B) of this section shall apply to any business or industry or to any premises to which a D permit has been issued by the division of liquor control regardless of when it came into existence. Upon the approval, by resolution, of the board of township trustees of the township or township police district in which the department or office is located, the police department of any township or township police district or the office of any township police constable may contract with any port authority or Chautauqua assembly, and any port authority or Chautauqua assembly may contract with any such department or office, to have the department's members or the office's constables provide police protection to the port authority or Chautauqua assembly with which the deparment or office has contracted. Townships may establish and operate a park on their own or by joint action with another political subdivision. The governing body of a district shall be a board of trustees, which shall include one representative appointed by each board of township trustees and one representative appointed by the legislative authority of each municipal corporation in the district. Within each of the Ohio land grants, Congress set aside sections of land for the use of schools and the support of religious institutions. Such notice shall state specifically the amount to be raised and the purpose thereof. A board of township trustees may enter into a contract with, and may appropriate township general revenue fund moneys for the services of, an attorney to represent the township, expert witnesses, and other consultants as the board determines are necessary for any potential or pending annexation action, including proceedings before a board of county commissioners or any court. (A) The board of township trustees of any township may authorize an officer, employee, or appointee of the township to use a credit card account held by the board of township trustees in accordance with this section. All funds and other property of the joint districts shall become the property of the fire and ambulance district, unless otherwise provided in the negotiated agreement. The board or its representatives shall maintain a list of all nonprofit organizations that notify the board or its representative of their desire to obtain donated property under this division and that the board or its representative determines to be eligible, in accordance with the requirements set forth in this section and in the donation program's guidelines and procedures, to receive donated property. (c) The person meets rehabilitation standards established in rules adopted under division (E) of this section. When so required by rules adopted under division (G)(2) of section 343.01 of the Revised Code, the board of township trustees, before constructing, enlarging, or modifying a solid waste facility, shall obtain approval for the facility from the board of county commissioners of the county or board of directors of the joint solid waste management district, or board of trustees of a regional solid waste management authority if such has been formed under section 343.011 of the Revised Code, having jurisdiction for compliance with the initial or amended solid waste management plan of the district approved under section 3734.521, 3734.55, or 3734.56 of the Revised Code. (B) Any person under eighteen years of age who violates a curfew adopted under division (A) of this section shall be charged as being an unruly child and taken before juvenile court as provided in Chapter 2151. of the Revised Code. The board has the same power to compel the giving of testimony by attending witnesses as is conferred upon courts. The township trustees consider the letters to be a "slap in the face" as they believe they are doing what is right to keep the police department intact. (D) A board of township trustees may enter into an installment payment contract for the purchase and installation of energy conservation measures. "Credit card account" does not include a procurement card account, gasoline or telephone credit card account, or any other card account where merchant category codes are in place as a system of control for use of the card account. Any municipal corporation or township may withdraw from a district by the adoption of a resolution ordering withdrawal. (E) As used in this section, "junk motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that meets all of the following criteria: (3) Extensively damaged, including, but not limited to, any of the following: missing wheels, tires, engine, or transmission. Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on January 24, 2023 - TIME CHANGE. As a member of the Ohio Township Association, you'll receive legislative support, OTA publications, training opportunities, OTA event discounts, and more! Township Trustees Illegally Replaced Member on Military Leave By Dan Trevas | August 23, 2016 Spencer Township trustees in Lucas County improperly declared that a trustee on military leave vacated his office and the trustees then illegally replaced him with an outgoing trustee who lost his re-election bid, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled today. In 1804, the elected officials of a township consisted of three trustees, a clerk, two overseers of the poor, and a sufficient number of supervisors of highway in addition to justices of the peace and constables. (A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, the township fiscal officer shall collect the service charges for waste collection, transfer, recycling, and disposal services and administer them under rules established by the board of township trustees. If the board procures any insurance policies under this section, the board shall provide uniform coverage under these policies for township officers and full-time township employees and their immediate dependents, and may provide coverage under these policies for part-time township employees and their immediate dependents, from the funds or budgets from which the officers or employees are compensated for services, such policies to be issued by an insurance company duly authorized to do business in this state. The board shall publish notice of the time, place, and manner of the sale once a week for two weeks in a newspaper published, or of general circulation, in the township, and shall post a typewritten or printed notice of the time, place, and manner of the sale in the office of the board for at least ten days prior to the sale. Assessments shall be levied by one of the following methods, at the discretion of the board: (1) By a percentage of the taxable value of the property assessed; (2) In proportion to the benefits that may result from maintenance or improvement of waterways in the township. Semiannual reports on the use of the expenditures shall be made to the board of trustees by the chief officer implementing the joint agreement, or the chief officer or board of directors of the private, nonprofit organizations. Board of Trustees; Meeting Minutes/Video . (C) Such regulations and orders may be enforced where traffic control devices conforming to section 4511.09 of the Revised Code are prominently displayed. If youre wondering if you should remove a trustee or what you should do if youre being harassed by the beneficiaries, then give us a call at 740.346.2899 and well be glad to help you determine your rights. No one understands townships or township roles and responsibilities like the OTA. The proceeds of the sale shall be paid to the fiscal officer of the township and credited to the township general fund, except that, in the case of a joint police district, the proceeds of a sale shall be paid to the treasurer of the joint police district board and credited to the appropriate fund according to agreement of the participating townships and municipal corporations. 1085848 [1] Urbana Township is one of the twelve townships of Champaign County, Ohio, United States. (2) A fire chief authorized by division (A) of this section to request a criminal records check shall provide to each person for whom the fire chief intends to request a criminal records check a copy of the form prescribed pursuant to division (C)(1) of section 109.578 of the Revised Code and a standard impression sheet to obtain fingerprint impressions prescribed pursuant to division (C)(2) of section 109.578 of the Revised Code, obtain the completed form and impression sheet from the person, and forward the completed form and impression sheet to the superintendent of BCII at the time the criminal records check is requested. to make sure the trustee is doing their job. Heidi Fought, executive director of the Ohio Township Association, said that there have been other attempts by the Ohio Legislature to change township makeup. The joint police district board may exercise the same powers as are granted to a board of township trustees in the operation of a township police district under sections 505.49 to 505.55 of the Revised Code, including, but not limited to, the power to employ, train, and discipline personnel, to acquire equipment and buildings, to levy a tax, to issue bonds and notes, and to dissolve the district. Section 505.02 | Bond of township trustees. 919, 31 U.S.C.A. House Bill 48, Senate Bill 268 - 127th General Assembly, Senate Bill 115, House Bill 175 - 125th General Assembly, The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. Hon. The resolution shall specify a minimum acceptable price and the minimum acceptable terms for the contract. Posted by May 27th, 2022 . Jackson Township, Ohio 44646. If the chief of police, patrol officer, or other peace officer of a township police district, township police department, or joint police district files an appeal that results in that chief of police's, patrol officer's, or other peace officer's acquittal of the felony or conviction of a misdemeanor, or in the dismissal of the felony charge against the chief of police, patrol officer, or other peace officer, the board shall reinstate that chief of police, patrol officer, or other peace officer. Fines collected under that division shall be paid into the waste collection fund established under division (A) of section 505.31 of the Revised Code. After the adoption of the code by the board, a notice clearly identifying the code, stating the purpose of the code, and stating that a complete copy of the code is on file with the township fiscal officer for inspection by the public and also on file in the law library of the county in which the township is located and that the fiscal officer has copies available for distribution to the public at cost, shall be posted by the fiscal officer in five conspicuous places in the township for thirty days before becoming effective. No person shall be appointed as a permanent full-time paid member, whose duties include fire fighting, of the fire department of any township or fire district unless that person has received a certificate issued under former section 3303.07 or section 4765.55 of the Revised Code evidencing satisfactory completion of a firefighter training program. Fines levied and collected under this section shall be paid into the township general revenue fund. The amount of the annual salary approved by the board shall be no more than the maximum amount that could be received annually by a trustee if the trustee were paid on a per diem basis as specified in this division, and shall be paid from the township general fund or from other township funds in such proportions as the board may specify by resolution. Franklin County, Ohio. The bill's amount shall be as follows: If payment of the bill is not received within thirty days, the sheriff shall send a notice by certified mail to the manager and to the owner, if different, of the real estate of which the commercial establishment is a part, or to the occupant, lessee, agent, or tenant and to the owner, if different, of the real estate of which the residence is a part, indicating that failure to pay the bill within thirty days, or to show just cause why the bill should not be paid, will result in the assessment of a lien upon the real estate in the amount of the bill. Baughman Township Place and time of meeting: Township Office, Burton City, (684-1278), 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Mike Geiser Trustee Howard Calame Trustee Jeff Kaufman Trustee Todd Stoll Fiscal Officer Canaan Township Place and time of meeting: Canaan Township Fire Station No. Contact Info. David is currently serving is 3rd term as a Trustee. The members of the joint police district board shall, at the organization meeting, proceed with the election of a president, a secretary, and a treasurer, and such other officers as they consider necessary and proper, and shall transact such other business as properly comes before the board. No person shall violate a provision of a standard code or regulation adopted under section 505.373 or division (C) of section 505.375 of the Revised Code. Click for email; Call Us: 937-339-1492; Register for Newsletter; Get Newsletter; . The idea for a statewide township recognition day originated in the very county where the OTA originated. (A) Whenever a board of township trustees considers it necessary to adopt a curfew for persons under eighteen years of age in any of the unincorporated areas of the township, the board may adopt a resolution setting forth the provisions of the curfew and declaring the necessity for it, together with a statement of the reasons for the necessity, and providing for its enforcement within the unincorporated area of the township. If the bid for work embraces both labor and material, it shall be separately stated, with the price of the labor and the material. December 22, 2022. Any municipal corporation or township may withdraw from a district, whether created under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section, by its legislative authority's adoption of a resolution ordering withdrawal. If payment is not received or just cause for nonpayment is not shown within those thirty days, the amount of the bill shall be entered upon the tax duplicate, shall be a lien upon the real estate from the date of the entry, and shall be collected as other taxes and returned to the township treasury to be earmarked for use for fire services. An addition of a class or change of definition of coverage to the plan offered under this division by the board may be made at any time that it is determined by the board to be in the best interest of the township. The board shall keep a record of the costs incurred by the township in removing snow, ice, debris, or other obstructions from the road or bank. (C)(1) If the board of trustees, in a resolution adopted under this section, pursues action to remove any insecure, unsafe, or structurally defective building or other structure, the notice shall include a statement informing the parties in interest that each party in interest is entitled to a hearing if the party in interest requests a hearing in writing within twenty days after the notice was mailed. If ambulance and emergency medical services are discontinued in the district, any balance remaining in the fund shall be allocated in amounts proportionate to the percentage of the district's total population served and paid accordingly into the general funds of the participating political subdivisions. (A) If a township police district does not include all the unincorporated territory of the township, the remaining unincorporated territory of the township may be added to the district by a resolution adopted by a unanimous vote of the board of township trustees to place the issue of expansion of the district on the ballot for the electors of the entire unincorporated territory of the township. Upon receiving the proposals, the township shall analyze them and select the proposal or proposals most likely to result in the greatest energy savings considering the cost of the project and the township's ability to pay for the improvements with current revenues or by financing the improvements. The compensation shall be paid semiannually, and shall be charged back, and prorated against each waste disposal district as part of its operating costs. The agreement shall be ratified by the adoption of a joint resolution by a majority of the members of each board of township trustees involved and a majority of the members of the legislative authority of each municipal corporation involved. The boards of township trustees of one or more townships and the legislative authorities of any one or more municipal corporations within or adjoining those townships, or the boards of township trustees of two or more townships, or the legislative authorities of two or more municipal corporations, may, by adoption of a joint resolution by a majority of the members of each board of township trustees and by a majority of the members of the legislative authority of each municipal corporation, create a joint ambulance district comprising the municipal corporations and all or any portions of the townships as are mutually agreed upon, except that no portion of a township or municipal corporation being served by a joint emergency medical services district shall be part of a joint ambulance district. In no case shall the aggregate total of the assessments imposed exceed the cost of the maintenance or improvement. 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ohio removal of township trustee

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